
Hi, Welcome to Minutemen Wood Design. My name is Jake Davis. I am the very blessed husband of an amazing wife Lyndsey and the father of 4 wonderful children. 

I am an Army veteran who spent the better part of my 20's not on U.S. soil and most of the first years of my marriage were spent apart. In 2010 I came home for good and became a law enforcement officer in Colorado.

While serving as an LEO and raising a family, I honed my latent woodworking skills and creativity in my free time. I come from a long line of "tinkerers" who enjoyed working and creating with their hands. I certainly inherited this trait and loved working in the garage doing this project or that. My tolerant wife put up with all my different and sporadic projects. I later was drawn to wood working as it seemed to fit my creativity and just so happened to be the art my grandfather and great-grandfather had an affinity for as well.

My first project was born out of a personal need for sensible home defense, the Wall Mounted Hidden Gun Safe. After a few friends commented on it, I listed it for sale on Etsy. The reception for the safe was outstanding and the shop only grew from there. After selling on Etsy for several years I finally branched out and got my own website. I didn't start out to make a verifiable side income but rather to keep funding the materials for my various projects. I never could have believed that I could market and sell on a consistent basis what originally started out being created in my garage. Even after several thousand sales I am awed and humbled that what I create with my bare hands people are willing to pay their hard earned money for and display in their homes. We have since returned home to Florida and I now own/operate a fully functioning business that keeps the bills paid and the bellies full.

I wholeheartedly appreciate you taking your time to check us out and hope you find something you like!